Certified Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils
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Check out our New Variety of Blends to optimize your Yoni Steams! (All Yoni Steams comes with a meditation designed to support you on your journey...for best results maintain a regular steam accordingly to fit your situation, keeping in mind every Yoni is Unique!
DEtox Blend
Blended for a general steam to detox your Yoni Space!
Heavy Flow Relief
This blend is designed to help women who is dealing with the issues from a heavy moon time flow.
Post Miscarriage
You may be feeling quite vulnerable, loss and depleted in such a challenging time and this blend id designed to support you to relax
Heavy Flow Relief
This blend is designed to help women who is dealing with the issues from a heavy moon time flow.
Post Miscarriage
You may be feeling quite vulnerable, loss and depleted in such a challenging time and this blend id designed to support you to relax stagnant emotions and physical release. As you steam let whatever feeling arises to flow! Ask yourself what is it that you need. You also may be feeling empty and sad as you process your loss...know that it's OK. just remember rest and keep warm as much as possible.
Ancestor Blend
Designed for women who not only want to work with their womb space but also to help heal the mother line as well. Trauma, Self Hatred, Loathing and Abuse can stop with you!
Postpartum (Me time Mommy-Time)
Are you ready to take out time for some over due me time this blend is designed to transform your me time and your womb space to relax and detox your Yoni!
Let the Abundance Flow
Created with the intentions to align with abundance to flow your way
Fertile Woman
It's baby making time! This blend is designed to help assist you with natural fertility and conception!
Menopause relief
Menopause don't have to be what you heard about and dread...designed for you to embrace this sacred time in life with a smile and a hum!
Surrender into the possibilities!
This blend was designed when you know you need to relax and let go and let the universe take care of you...knowing everything will be just fine!
New Moon Steam
When its time to let go of what longer serving you and relax into what you want to receive
Full Moon Celebration
OK it's time to celebrate your accomplishments this bled is to relax and rejuvenate your womb space

Heavy Flow Steam
~This blend is designed to help women with relief from the issues that comes with a heavy flow moon time.

Starter Womb Wellness Basic Kit -(please inquire)
~One Package of Herbal Pads
~One (1) Yoni Soap - 2.5oz
~suppliment other supportive womb wellness product of choice

The Travel Pack - $15 travel size is going bye bye soon... get it while it still in stock!)
~One (1) Honey Pot Wash (Regular or Mouitrizing)
~One (1) Shamo Herbal Pads (include 2 herbal pads and one herbal panti liner
~Three (3) Mini Soap Sampler
Some Of Our Products Benefits

Bath Salt and Soap
Try our variety of bath salts and soaps to enhance your detox!

Stressless Lavender blend soothing bar Soap
Stressless Lavender blend soothing bar Soap is excellent for relaxation.

Fresh Cookie Ladies Soap
We know how we love the taste of fresh cookies. If your looking to alternate your Yoni Soap, the fresh cookie is a must try for all over and your yoni care.

Coffee Rub Soap
Coffee Rub Soap is perfect for exfoliating and toning the skin. You can also you it on your face to get rid of small lines and wrinkles. Caffeine is know to be a cellulite reducer so using this soap on a regular bases to help reduce cellulite.

The Illustrious Jade Egg​
Considered to be ‘a woman’s best friend’ this tiny tool of transformation is more than just a pelvic exercise tool.
Why women rave bout it & everything you need to get started.
These products HAS NOT been evaluated by the FDA . And is not intended to diagnose, treat cure or prevent Disease. Skin test is recommended for all the body products before use. If you are pregnant, breast feeding or using a IUD please do not use Seanjari Preeti Womb Healing Pearls
Our products are all natural, however it should be used for external use only. If your'e pregnant or nursing please consult your physician before using our body products.