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Now is the time to bring out the Best in You!


The Vaginal Steam Deluxe(55 Minutes)


The 55 minutes service is for the woman who want to be introduced to Vaginal Steaming.

Client will get a V-Steam with medicinal herbs to help support the client reproductive issues a foot soak and warm herbal women's tea.


The concept of combining herbs and steam for medicinal use for the vagina and reproductive system, can be traced back centuries ago to indigenous African, Mayan, Native American, Caribbean, and Asian cultures. An example of the practice is when elder women of African tribes would bury holes in the dirt, place barks and herbs in the hole, light them, and have young women squat over the steam. These types of practices were done for various ceremonies such as marriage or childbirth and also for medicinal use. 



The Womb Sauna Experience 

(1 hour and 30 Minutes)


What is a Womb Sauna Experience any way...

Well it's not your grandma's let get it done and over with vaginal steam approach! No this is a time to sit back and relax and let go session. The steam itself works by applying the warmth of gentle steam carrying the volatile oils of medicinal plants to the exterior tissues of the vagina (this area is referred to as the "vulva").

As warmth and moisture increase circulation to the region, the vagina and pelvis are relaxed and softened. The steam causes the labia to swell and expose more tissue, and the mucus membranes to thin. Because these tissues are very porous, the volatile oils are absorbed into the bloodstream, and eventually into the uterus where their medicinal properties can go to work. Herbs like motherwort are astringent, tonifying and cleansing, helping to regulate menstrual flow, relax uterine muscles and reduce cramps, while an herb like mugwort balances female hormones and protects the uterus from maladies such as ulcers, cysts and tumors. You just simply fill out the in-take form (located on the contact page) so the herbal blend will be catered toward your intention for your session.

When you arrive we will go over your intention for the service by not only going over your intake form but what going on in real time ...while sipping on a relaxing cup of nourishing tea. We will go through stretching and yoga postures that support opening up the hips while  increasing circulation to the womb, and removing tension in the back and pelvis. Clients then receive aromatherapy first to open up their chakras and ground their energy. Then you are seated in the sauna where the fragrance of  aromatic herbal steam await you. During your steam you will receive a meditation and more to help connect you with your Yoniverse.The Womb Sauna provides a full body sweat detoxification and as the pours open, the skin absorbs the nourishment herbal steam to support your intentions of this bountiful self-love expression session. Detoxification happens physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and can last up to 3 days after the session. It is time for the womb to be healed!

(Packages are available)




The Self-Deluxe (1 Hours 1/2)

Here is an excellent package when you work hard and you know you deserve & need some extra self-deluxe love!

Includes a Vaginal Steam, Warm Women's Herbal Tea while get a Foot Deluxe Service & A Basic Facial to wrap up your session.

(Please inquire if you would like to do an ala carte service)


​Self-Nourishment Sunday 

(60-120 Minutes)

This is a personalized session is done on a Sunday when you just want personal relaxing Sunday Special Designed just for you (Inquire within)

The Me Time Express (60 minutes)

A rejuvenating 30 minute V-Steam and a 30 minute basic facial


 The Queens Delight (1 hour and 90 minutes)

If your'e ready to truly take out time for you then you need to experience A Womb Sauna Session, A Herbal Foot Essence Session while sipping on the special blend of Herbal Womb Wellness Tea, A Back Facial and A Basic Facial! (Please Inquire About A Healthy Meal)




To accelerate your ultimate well being packages are suggested...please inquire within for prices!

Here are some health benefits of a vaginal steam, what to expect and why this is a self-nourishing service that can give you optimal womb wellness results, when serviced by a womb sauna practitioner:
Lets face it ladies when you get home from working hard you barely have time to make dinner must as well steam your yoni...(not to mention the privacy factor if you don't live alone)This is about self-nourishment...which is an expression of self-love! And having a trained professional who understands that need is something all women deserve. I am there to support and hold a space to assist your womb wellness. So it's not just a yoni steam... it's an experience. Designed for the woman who is sick and tired of suffering in silence and suffering without true support. So get ready to feel not only cleansed, relaxed and rejuvenated, but you will be tapping into your source of creativity (the womb)...which is empowering! So relax, let go and enjoy being attended by a professional that has your best interest in mind.
What to expect after your Womb Sauna Experience.
Over time, your cycle is likely to become significantly more comfortable – meaning it will be more regular, lighter in both flow and color, and less painful. You’ll begin to feel lighter and healthier, as well as more nourished and connected with your womb the more you steam. Of course every woman is different some take longer to see a significance difference. Your uterus may have excessive buildup, but over two to three month most women see a difference in a cleanse and toned uterus. This service is also beneficial for women who don't have a womb...remember ladies the womb carries memories and energy. Energy can't not be destroyed. In addition women who no longer have a cycle can benefit from the mind, body & spirit connection as well as being tonified, relaxed, feeling cleansed and after regular services can help elevate dryness and help with tighten up the yoni.
Other Benefits
Pulls toxins out of the body, alleviate abdominal pain/pressure and menstrual cramps, improves vaginal tightness, feminine orders, balance hormones, regulate menses, helps hemorrhoids, speed up recover from child birth, strengthen the uterus, relieves heavy menstruation AND MORE...
(Please inquire about discounts when you pay for more than one session at a time)
As always please consult with your primary physician. 
Prices are subject to change. Traveling fee may apply.

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